Here you'll find many ESC-related links. If you have any more to share, email me and I will he happy to add them
Official Sites
Official site of the European Broadcasting Union
Radio-Television Belge de la Communauté Française (Host broadcaster of ESC'87)
Fan/Information Sites
Diggiloo Thrush (ESC lyric site)
ESC Today (fan community)
ESCXtra (News site)
Eurovoix (News site)
And The Conductor Is... (ESC conductors database)
Nul Points (Information, news and archival stats)
ESC Insight (News, podcasts and fan community)
ESCUnited (Fan community)
Wiwibloggs (ESC news with attitude)
ESC Plus (News site)
ESC Reporter (News site)
Six On Stage (Comprehensive ESC database)
Media Sites
Personal Favorites
Eurovision Wiki
A Wiki about the contest for fans, by fans. I am a co-admin there with my Facebook friend Rosie Owen
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